
Lutz Up With That? Kellan's Latest Rocks a 0% on Rotten Tomatoes

Bad news for Kellan Lutz, Mandy Moore and first-time director Dermot Mulroney, whose romantic-comedy collaboration debuted in limited release Friday to a rare, dreaded 0% approval rating at Rotten Tomatoes. Box office stats had not yet been disclosed as of this writing, but the critical feedback implies a rather dismal turnout on two screens. Read on for a taste.

The film features Lutz and Moore as newlyweds thrown into disarray when her parents decide to split and he's revealed to have had an earlier marriage. I haven't seen the movie and thus must reserve judgment; a few select others, however, must not. And truly no one is safe:

· "Surely the low-water mark in the recent tide of dismal wedding-themed comedies, actor Dermot Mulroney's painfully unfunny directing debut improbably casts Mandy Moore as a newlywed shrink confronted with the breakup of her parents' marriage." -- Lou Lumenick, NY Post

· "Supplied with uniformly vapid dialogue, the characters come off like a bunch of twits: Moore's wide-eyed, open-mouthed reactions to every little surprise are those of a high school student, not a doctor; Lutz's dyed blond hair does nothing to encourage taking him seriously; [James] Brolin and [Jane] Seymour have never played in such a caricatured manner, and cameos by Christopher Lloyd and Colleen Camp as eccentric therapists are embarrassing." -- Todd McCarthy, The Hollywood Reporter

· "Veteran character actor Dermot Mulroney unleashes his inner cornball for this directorial debut, a softly lit, wind-chimes-scored diversion for the Celestial Seasonings set." -- Eric Hynes, Time Out New York

· "If there is a special hell for film critics, it probably has movies like "Love, Wedding, Marriage" on continuous rotation. [...] Writing characters with the intellectual heft of second-tier Muppets, the team of Anouska Chydzik Bryson and Caprice Crane [...] dispense rom-com clichés like confetti. Add a Polish green-card wife, a long-lost sibling and the obligatory speed-dating montage, and you have a movie that feels like punishment for a crime you can't remember committing." -- Jeannette Catsoulis, NY Times

Ouch. Better luck to all -- actors, filmmakers and critics alike -- next time.

· Love Wedding Marriage [Rotten Tomatoes]