
Talkback: Let's Hear About The Hangover Part II

The breakout of Hangover Part II fever has effectively had its run over movie audiences, making for a record-breaking holiday weekend at the box office and officially commencing the discussion: Is it really as bad as the critics say it is? On this quiet post-Memorial Day morning, we're bringing that discussion to Movieline.

Talking points include (but are not limited to):

· Yay? Nay?

· Does it cross the line with Asian stereotypes?

· How was Crystal the Monkey?

· After an $86 million three-day gross and $137 million five-day haul, what percentage drop will the film incur in its week-two box office?

· Are you at peace with the inevitability of a third Hangover installment? And where should the Wolf Pack travel next?

And/or any other subjects you feel need to be raised. Keep it clean, keep it fair. Annnd... take it away!