
Jennifer Lawrence Playfully — But Effectively — Mocks Twilight

On the Late Show with David Letterman last night, Jennifer Lawrence -- who sports a giant Naomi Shihab Nye braid on the newest EW cover as Katniss in The Hunger Games -- compared that upcoming film to the Twilight franchise. Well, sort of. She proved why Hunger Games is better than Twilight using one word: "sick."

Good old Dave quizzed the Oscar nominee on The Hunger Games's grim story, asking, "Is it a vampire deal?" Said Lawrence in response, "No, that's not a vampire deal. That's just -- a very violent, futuristic movie where kids are randomly selected from their home districts to fight in an arena to the death. But we don't drink blood. That's... sick."

Allow me to spew fanboy viscera for a second: Jennifer Lawrence is the coolest movie star alive right now. She's cool, mature, funny, and self-possessed -- kind of like if American Idol's Crystal Bowersox hit it big as a comely thespian. Odd metaphor, but that's my highest compliment! We always need more homespun sophistication on the big screen. If a Nashville remake ever happens, I require that Lawrence plays the Ronni Blakley role.