
First Look at Tom Hardy as Bane in The Dark Knight Rises

That didn't take long. With filming on The Dark Knight Rises officially underway, Warner Bros. has started the hype machine early in anticipation of the July 20, 2012 release. A new website went online late Thursday (, and while it initially seemed like nothing more than a black page with some bizarre chanting on loop, a closer investigation has revealed a bit of viral marketing tied to -- what else? -- Twitter, and a subsequent first look at Tom Hardy as Bane in the new film.

An enterprising Batman fan over at Superhero Hype -- or perhaps just some member of the Warner Bros. marketing team -- realized that the audio file on the site contained a Twitter hashtag (#thefirerises) that, when tweeted, would slowly begin to reveal a hidden teaser image embedded on the site.

Naturally, the image itself has already leaked -- and you can check it out below. Hardy-as-Bane looks awfully menacing, no?

[Click for bigger]

· First Look: Tom Hardy as Bane from 'The Dark Knight Rises' [/Film]

· What the Hell Is Going On At The 'Dark Knight Rises' Website? [JoBlo]