
Ryan Gosling, Carey Mulligan, or Christina Hendricks: Whose Brood is Best in New Drive Photos?

The Cannes Film Festival's website has a new poster and images from the Nicolas Winding Refn film Drive, and they bring up hard questions. First: Is Ryan Gosling, Carey Mulligan, or Christina Hendricks the moodiest? Second: Wait, is Ron Perlman the moodiest? Third: Who bought Ryan that jacket from American Apparel?

Aaaaand it's Christina for the win. Look at Mulligan with her Blake-Lively-in-The Town bleakness and Gosling with his uber-serious mug. Christina's the only natural in sass smearing, which is part of the territory in the Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce secretary pool.

'Drive' Poster and New Photos [MovieWeb]