
Movieline's Week in Review: Summer Lovin'

Another week passes at Movieline HQ, meaning another Friday-evening reflection on the culture in our rearview mirrors. Some of it's even worth remembering -- which is where today's handy, summer-launching edition of Week in Review comes in. Have browse, have a think, and let's all try and decompress to the smooth jazz strains of weekend editor Dixon Gaines. Don't be a stranger, and have a great weekend!

· We said goodbye to Tribeca 2011 and the under-underperforming Dylan Dog: Dead of Night. Oh, and this guy.

· Many thanks to this week's illustrious interviewees, including Jodie Foster, Kenneth Branagh, Kat Dennings, Ginnifer Goodwin, Wes Bentley and Verge designee Massy Tadjedin.

· Star Wars Day brought word of Carrie Fisher dream commentaries and, uh... #pants.

· Someone had a birrrfdaaayyy!

· A new Kate Hudson movie had the same rough week they've been having for, oh, 10 years.

· This kid's not Jesus, Mommy, but these guys were the Devil.

· Sidney Poitier = The Man.