
Today in WTF: Corey Feldman's New Comedy is About Assassinating Osama bin Laden

And you thought President Obama had a tough job last night announcing Osama bin Laden's death to the world. Just imagine being Corey Feldman, whose new film Operation Belvis Bash completed a three-day tour of Texas whose end coincided with news of the infamous terrorist's demise. Which is strange, since apparently that's what the movie is about. This calls for a press release!

Operation Belvis Bash, which, according to a memo received this morning at Movieline HQ, is anticipating a limited release this summer, screened in Houston on Sunday night. The release goes on to describe the film as... Well, just read for yourself:

Operation Belvis Bash is the story of a struggling rock and roll musician (Alexander Loy) who is recruited to go to Afghanistan and win the hearts and minds of the Afghani people. He is joined by the outrageous "Jewtastic" comedian, Samuel Stilman (Corey Feldman) as he embarks upon his futile quest. As danger surrounds Bash and his rag-tag team of entertainers at the hands of infamous terrorist, Abdul (The Iron Sheik), Bash finds himself upstaged by a musical theater heavyweight, Alfons Logoluso (Frank Stallone). As another night falls on Kabul, will rock and roll shine the beacon of freedom in a land ravaged by darkness?

I know: Corey Feldman, The Iron Sheik, and Frank Stallone in one movie? Form an orderly queue, please. And while it's not exactly clear where and how the bin Laden-snuffing subplot enters in, that isn't keeping Feldman and Co. from latching on to this historic development with a little historical (and/or vaguely exploitative) perspective of their own.

"It's absolutely unbelievable," Feldman said in the same press release. "I was in New York on September 11, 2001, with Michael Jackson, and then, nearly ten years later, I walk out of the premiere of my latest film, which I had postponed to be able to attend Corey Haim's Decisions premiere and memorial, to learn that Osama Bin Laden [sic] had been killed by a special operation, just like in the film we'd just screened. The timing is simply unbelievable, and whether life imitates art, or art imitates life, now is a time for all Americans to express their gratitude to the brave men and women who serve our country and helped make this happen."

Indeed -- thanks, you guys. Your timing and valor provided just the PR shot in the arm Corey Feldman needed. Here's the trailer, for what it's worth: