
Well, This is Awkward: Harvey Weinstein Acquires Bullying Exposé

You can't make it up: The Weinstein Company just announced its acquisition of Tribeca premiere The Bully Project, director Lee Hirsch's buzzy documentary about the bullying epidemic afflicting kids, schools and families nationwide. The implication is that this will be TWC's designated Oscar doc for 2012, and by all indications thus far at the festival, it should be. But first: How awesome is it to read Harvey Weinstein inveighing against bullying?

Deadline had the initial report, and TWC soon followed up with an official release quoting Harvey:

"After my team saw The Bully Project, they immediately called and urged me to see it. I am glad they did. As a parent of four, bullying is an issue that concerns me deeply, and I jumped at the opportunity to be involved with a film that could help eradicate this plague once and for all."

Unless your kids are directors, producers, editors, sales agents, exhibitors, TWC underlings, select journalists and/or Nancy Pelosi, I guess. But one thing at at a time! Congrats to all, and mark your preliminary Oscar pools accordingly.