
VIDEO: This Failed Remake of Star Wars With Simon Pegg and Nick Frost is Better Than the Prequels

· Since Paul is stuffed with enough geek references to kill a Wookie, what better way for Simon Pegg and Nick Frost to market their new comedy by filming a parody of Star Wars for College Humor. Click ahead to watch -- take note of their adorably lo-fi costumes; Michel Gondry would be so proud! -- then stick around for more Buzz Break.

[via SplitSider]

· And that's when you found out Jason Bateman cried during Never Say Never, and cried a little bit, too. [Vulture]

· HBO is developing a mini-series about Lizzie Borden starring Chloe Sevigny. Looks like the Chloster wasn't lying! [Deadline]

· Will Forte has a couple of new projects on the way, which is good news for anyone who loves Will Forte. [Deadline]

· Tyra Banks is going to Harvard Business School. That is all. [E!]

· Christina Hendricks will star in Seconds of Pleasure, a new film from Mike Figgis with a script by Neil LaBute. [Deadline]

· Finally: Here is photographic proof that baby pigeons exist, courtesy of Movieline's own S.T. VanAirsdale. Who knew? [@stvanairsdale]