
Late Night Highlights: Jay Leno Gives Betty White a Book on Sex

Last night, Betty White stopped by the Tonight Show to not talk about Charlie Sheen. The nerve. Instead, she and Jay Leno celebrated her recent birthday. Elsewhere, Piers Morgan told Conan about the behind-the-scenes situation during his recent Charlie Sheen interview, B.J. Novak talked about his meeting with Michael Jackson, Stephen Colbert chided CBS, and Jimmy Fallon binged on fast food.

5. Jimmy Eats World

Last night, Jimmy Fallon attempted to set the world record for the most number of fast food items tried in 30 seconds. This might make you sick.

4. Betty White's Belated Birthday Gift

Why wouldn't Jay Leno give Betty White a book on sex as a belated birthday present?

3. The Time that B.J. Novak Met Michael Jackson

Office star B.J. Novak stopped by the Late Show to talk about the night he spent with late legend Michael Jackson.

2. Reporting From Sheenistan

Stephen Colbert chided CBS for reporting on uninteresting personalities who have never won a Golden Globe like Muammar al-Gaddafi instead of America's new Tweetheart, Charlie Sheen.

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1. Behind the Sheens

Piers Morgan stopped by Conan to explain how he scored that Charlie Sheen interview and to break news about the controversy-addicted celeb.