
Movieline's Celeb Oscar Predictions: Screenwriter Kyle Killen Picks 'Excruciatingly Good' Social Network

Around Movieline HQ, Kyle Killen is somewhat of a folk hero. The screenwriter was responsible for two of our most-discussed projects in 2010: The short-lived-but-brilliant Lone Star, and the Mel Gibson comeback vehicle The Beaver (which will finally hit theaters this summer; fingers crossed). Naturally, it was a no-brainer to ask Killen -- who recently had his pilot script for the Inception-like thriller REM picked up by NBC -- for his Oscar predictions in the lead-up to Sunday night. Will Best Picture go to those upstarts from Silicon Valley or the stuffy, upper crust royalty from 1930s England?

"I wish I could say something original with regard to my favorite, but The Social Network was just excruciatingly good," Killen wrote to Movieline in an e-mail about his Best Picture choice. "Jesse Eisenberg was amazing, Andrew Garfield was robbed, David Fincher was perfect, and outside of his work on Entourage, Aaron Sorkin has never been better. I would watch it with a commentary track from the caterer."

Speaking of Sorkin, Killen has him winning an Oscar on Sunday night as well. "[The Social Network script] is absolute crack for writers," he wrote. "How many times have you gone to see a movie multiple times to LISTEN to the people TALK? If it doesn't win [for Best Adapted Screenplay], I will sit the Academy down and have a lengthy, hyper-verbal, multithreaded conversation with them."

As for perceived Oscar favorite The King's Speech, Killen feels its best chance for recognition will come in the Best Original Screenplay category. "This category has a Sophie's Choice quality to it," he wrote. "But unless they introduce ties, I'm guessing The King's Speech wins here as consolation for not getting Best Picture."

Killen says he'll be watching on Sunday night with a full complement of Red Vines, Dr. Pepper and the SAP channel selected on his television. "Just like last year."

Kyle Killen's complete predictions are listed below:

Best Picture: The Social Network

Best Director: David Fincher, The Social Network

Best Actor: Colin Firth, The King's Speech

Best Actress: Natalie Portman, Black Swan

Best Supporting Actor: Christian Bale, The Fighter

Best Supporting Actress: Melissa Leo, The Fighter

Best Original Screenplay: David Seidler, The King's Speech

Best Adapted Screenplay: Aaron Sorkin, The Social Network