
Late Night Highlights: Watch Andy Richter Do a Great Natalie Portman Impression In This Black Swan Skit

Last night, Conan O'Brien continued his Oscar nominee tribute week by reenacting a scene from Black Swan: Andy Richter played Nina Sayers, the troubled ballerina portrayed by Natalie Portman on-screen, and O'Brien played the predatory ballet instructor. Elsewhere, Amy Poehler flicked off David Letterman and his TV audience, Owen Wilson made fun of his own son's name and Jimmy Fallon hosted a Fever Pitch reunion -- just like you had been hoping for.

4. Owen Wilson's Son Ford

The Hall Pass star used his new son's name last night on the Tonight Show to get laughs before talking about his brother's shark attack.

3. A Fever Pitch Reunion

Last night, Jimmy Fallon hosted his Fever Pitch directors Peter and Bobby Farrelly, who recalled some of the most painful parts of filming their Drew Barrymore comedy before torturing the Late Night host.

2. Amy Poehler, Mother of the Year

The Parks and Rec star showed off some of her best road rage moves to David Letterman last night, before flicking everyone off.

1. Black Swan, Conan-Style

Conan and Andy Richter continued their new tradition of acting out all of the year's Oscar nominees last night with Black Swan. Enjoy as Richter does his best Portman and Conan does his best creepy ballet instructor.