
As L.A. Street Art Rampage Continues, Academy Admits It Can't Stop Banksy From Showing Up

Academy president Tom Sherak has officially weighed in on whether Banksy will be allowed to attend the Oscars in disguise on behalf of Best Documentary nominee Exit Through the Giftshop. While the Academy would still prefer that he not wear a disguise, it doesn't sound like security will be standing by to taser anybody in a monkey mask. Said Sherak, "Listen, he'd run right over me. I'm not gonna stand up to stop him. Nobody is, that's not what we do." Meanwhile, Banksy probably doesn't care what Sherak said because he is too busy throwing up street art all over Los Angeles. Click through for the three latest pieces that have turned up.

At intersection of Compton Ave and Washington Blvd.

On the PCH across from the first state beach parking lot.

On Little Santa Monica Blvd in Beverly Hills. Building next to the Beverly Hills Sports Community Center.

One was found on Washington Blvd. and Flower St., but it appears to be a different location than the one posted on Banksy's website. Guess away at whether it's a fake or a duplicate. The other hasn't been located yet.

[Hollywood Reporter, Melrose and Fairfax]