
Tara Reid No Longer Able To Introduce Jeff Bridges At The Academy Awards

The greatest thing about the Academy Awards is seeing just what gimmick they will come up with every year in an attempt to boost ratings. This year of course was the selection of the very young, very talented and very easy on the eyes James Franco and Anne Hathaway to host, but it looks like something has been dropped in the process. Yes, everyone, the Oscars are no longer continuing the two year tradition of five presenters, generally former costars, presenting the "Best Actor" and "Actress" nominees (complete with 20 minute masturbatory speeches). Sigh.

Surely no one will really miss the extended presentation and, to be honest, at this point everyone has heard how amazing each of the performers were in their respective roles. The entire world is well aware of the huge transformation Jennifer Lawrence went through in Winter's Bone or how committed Franco was in 127 Hours without John Hawkes and Sean Penn standing on a stage shouting about it.

It is a little disappointing however to think of what pairings could have been. Katie Holmes introducing Michelle Williams? Abigail Breslin waxing poetic on Jesse Eisenberg? Ashton Kutcher getting to the heart of Natalie Portman's performance in Black Swan?

The possibilities were endless.

[ Hollywood Reporter ]