
Moms to Tweet About Oscar-Nominated Kids, Because Obviously

The Oscars are historically a fertile testing ground for bold, strange counterintuition (ask Rob Lowe or David Letterman), and this year is no different: Awardscast producers Don Mischer and Bruce Cohen plan to broadcast Oscar-related tweets from nominees' mothers in the preshow on Feb. 27.

Moms unfamiliar with the technology reportedly will receive instruction. Natalie Portman already says her mother is a no-go, though I imagine Melissa Leo's own mom Peggy -- whom Leo thanked at the Golden Globes -- will more than make up for it with such tweets as "Consider... I used to change Melissa's diapers... Scenery looks a lot different coming out than it does going in... #OscarMoms" and so forth.

ยท OSCAR: Mothers To Tweet About Nominees [Deadline]