
Movieline's Celeb Oscar Predictions: Jamie Bell Calls it For Banksy, The Social Network

Now that the Super Bowl is over, we can focus on the real cultural event of the year: The Academy Awards! To kick off a very special new series of guest Oscar predictions, Movieline consulted British actor Jamie Bell, the star of this week's The Eagle -- and, at the age of 24, veteran of four Oscar-nominated films -- to see which films he's betting on to take home Oscar gold.

Flying in the face of last week's King's Speech panic, Bell made a strong case for his Best Picture pick, The Social Network.

"If we're talking about Best Picture, which means all of the technical things have to be in one film, I think Social Network has it," Bell explained. "From the screenplay, to the sharp directing, to great performances, to the stylistic soundtrack and compelling story and characters, I think Social Network has got it. I think it will win."

Bell, who stars opposite Channing Tatum in Kevin Macdonald's Roman historical actioner The Eagle and is set to bring Herge's beloved hero to the screen in Steven Spielberg's late 2011 mo-cap epic The Adventures of Tin Tin: Secret of the Unicorn, also revealed his documentary leanings ("My favorite medium of film") and made his prediction for Best Documentary. (Look for the full Movieline Interview with Bell on Friday.) But has he figured out the bigger question at hand?

"Exit Through the Gift Shop is going to win as well," Bell declared.

Do you think Banksy is really Mr. Brainwash?

[Pause] "No."

So you think they're two separate artistic entities and the film is being completely straightforward with its audience?

"I think so. I mean... now that I think about it, I think he probably is messing with us. It would be more fun if he was. [Not knowing] is part of the game, isn't it?"

Stay tuned for more Celebrity Oscar Predictions as Oscar night (February 27) approaches.