
'Get Off the Stage': Prince Tells Off Kim Kardashian for America

· God bless Prince! During his concert at Madison Square Garden in New York on Monday night, the singer purple rained all over Kim Kardashian's good time by calling the tabloid fixture up to the stage to dance, and then tossing her off when she wouldn't. You haven't lived until you've seen this -- which thankfully you can! Click ahead to watch -- the fun starts about one minute into the clip -- then stick around for more Buzz Break.

If Fred Armisen isn't working on his Prince impersonation to spoof this on Saturday Night Live right now, there is a problem. [via Vulture]

· Hide your kids, hide your wife: Bristol Palin says she would consider running for political office "down the road." [Huffington Post]

· According to Deadline's Mike Fleming, all that stands between Julia Roberts becoming the Evil Queen in The Brothers Grimm: Snow White are a couple of automobile-related negotiations. [Deadline]

· It turns out Natalie Portman is masturbating wrong in Black Swan. [Pajiba]

· The cast of Glee will head out on a North American tour starting on May 21 in Las Vegas. Click through for the details. [Vulture]

· Those nasty Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark reviews? They aren't appreciated by the people working on Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark. "The PILE-ON by the critics was ridiculous and uncalled for. Their actions are unprecedented and UNCOOL!" said spokesman Rick Miramontez in a statement to EW. The caps are his, BTW. [EW]

· Keith Olbermann will not only host a show on Current TV, he will be responsible for developing new shows and providing editorial guidance. [NYT/Media Decoder]

· Serious business from First Lady Michelle Obama: President Obama has quit smoking and hasn't smoked for a year. [@BreakingNews]