
Welcome to Pandora: The First Trailer for Fox's Terra Nova Looks Awfully Familiar

Let's give it up for Stephen Lang! After all, the dude went from "That guy!" to "That guy from Avatar who welcomes naive people to dangerous places!" in the span of just over a year. Though while Lang's presence in the trailer for the Steven Spielberg dinosaur time traveling series Terra Nova might make you think of Avatar, the premise and alternate world thrills will really make you think of Avatar.

Fox premiered the first look at their hugely anticipated science-fiction action adventure in the fourth quarter of the Super Bowl on Sunday -- Terra Nova premieres post-Idol finale in May before getting a proper debut in the fall -- and all that's missing from a James Cameron lawsuit are blue aliens. The rundown: In 2149, the Earth is dying and the only hope for humanity is to send the guy from Life on Mars (the charming Jason O'Mara), Lang, and a bunch of others back in time 85 million years to "get it right." That means dinosaur party! It also means that if someone kills an ant, it could have disastrous effects on the future. Or so A Sound of Thunder taught me.

If there's one thing this teaser for Terra Nova promises, it's a massive scale. This thing looks big, even if parts of it remind you of a SyFy channel original series. There's only one glimpse of a dinosaur -- and lots of quick cuts and machine gun fire -- but if Fox and executive producer Steven Spielberg can get this one right, it could be the next Lost. Or at least Avatar 2: The Lost World

VERDICT: Welcome to Jurassic Park.