
5 Examples of David Letterman Eating Something He Shouldn't

Confession: I took some heat at Movieline HQ this morning for not including David Letterman's lotion-eating segment in today's Late Night Highlights, but that's only because I've seen the whole "Dave's eating something he shouldn't be" gag a few times before. Don't believe me? Here's a primer on all the things Letterman should have thought twice about before ingesting.

Back in 2004, The Late Show host licked Jessica Simpson's dessert lotion off of her front of then-husband Nick Lachey.

And then Letterman took a bite out of Bruce Willis' Lady Gaga-inspired meat hairpiece. Ironically, he had no problem biting into uncooked ground beef, but earlier refused to try Guy Fieri's 3-pound cooked hamburger. Standards, people.

The host also chowed down on Jennifer Lopez's party-size perfume bottle. (Not a euphemism.)

This summer, Dave feasted on Regis Philbin's nightmares...also known as oysters and clams.

Finally, the most recent incident, in which Dave ate Kate Walsh's "Boyfriend in a Box" (also not a euphemism) to the Private Practice star's horror.

Good thing he never got ahold of Tina Fey's brownie husband.