
Are You Ready to Lay Off of Gwyneth Paltrow?

paltrow_goop225.jpgGwyneth Paltrow announced today that people are so mean to her. I mean, she's right: I've been mean to her. You've been mean to her. But are Ms. Paltrow's complaints enough to make you forgive her? Will you leave Goopney alone?

According to THR:

"Any time you do anything with any degree of sincerity, people make fun of you," she says in the [Goop] magazine. "That's totally fine. I don't care. I don't read any of it. My thing with Goop has always been, if you don't like it, then don't log onto it. There were a couple of times when I thought, 'I'm just gonna stop doing it. People are so mean to me. I don't want to do it.' But then I was like, 'Who cares what some lame person out there says?' I was in Italy once, and this old man came up to me and said, 'I had the best time in Nashville because of Goop.' And that is so worth it to me."

"In England, people are cool," she says. "They're really laid back and calm. Beyonce did the school run with me once, and everyone was fine. They also have really good anti-paparazzi rules. If you're driving in a car and they make you feel freaked out, that's against the law. They can't put you in a magazine unless they pixelate the kids' faces. I miss America, but I love living in the UK."

Now, see, Gwyneth, you messed up here. I don't think people dislike you because you're sincere -- it's because you don't understand why an average person would find a devout patrician/chronic namedropper's day-to-day living advice a little ridiculous. A little out of touch. I can't make a handmade leather bag, for instance, but you suggest we all can. Puzzling.

It's true that people often react cynically to sincere people, but I also think "sincerity" is a potential gateway drug that can lead to self-seriousness, cloying earnestness, and -- y'know -- a phony accent. That said, I loved Gwyneth in Proof. She's good at her job. I suppose if I liked Glee I'd have enjoyed in her that too. What do you think? Is the anti-Gwyneth crusade a moot one?

· Gwyneth Paltrow: People Are So Mean To Me [THR]