
PIC: Here's What Happens When You Marry Ron Swanson and Black Swan

· Kudos to Katie Walsh and Naomi Ekperigin for coming up with the best thing you'll see all day: Black Swanson, a mash-up of the Oscar-nominated Black Swan and Ron Effin' Swanson. Click ahead to enjoy the greatness, then stick around for more Buzz Break.

[via je suis la jeune fille]

· How's this for a shocker: Glee star Lea Michele will perform at the Super Bowl. Can you believe it? Yes, probably. Anyway, she's singing "America the Beautiful." [THR]

· From the wholesome Lea Michele to...Charlie Sheen (that's how Buzz Break rolls!): The embattled actor has been released from the hospital and will report to the set of Two and a Half Men when the series begins filming again on Tuesday. [Deadline]

· The Claw. A two-year-old British boy has probably seen Toy Story 3 one too many times. He got stuck inside a toy-grabbing machine while trying to reenact the claw scene from the film. Happy ending: The boy is fine, and he got a stuffed tiger for his troubles. [Daily Mail]

· NBC's Playboy-inspired drama just got a whole lot more interesting. The network has hired Alan Taylor (Mad Men, The Sopranos) to direct the pilot. [TV Guide]

· What's Carlton Cuse been up to since Lost ended? Let him tell you in the New York Times. [NYT]