
Late Night Highlights: Jon Cryer Talks About Charlie Sheen's Porn Star Exploits

Last night, John Cryer stopped by Conan to discuss the crazy antics of his notorious co-star Charlie Sheen -- tales of stolen cars and call girls included! (In fact, Conan had to cut off the story when Cryer started giving too much detail.) Elsewhere, Amy Poehler explained that creepy candy striper stock photo floating around the internet, Stephen Colbert joked about killing the homeless, and Annette Bening told Jay Leno about her former Oscar agreement.

4. Stephen Colbert, Unidentified Author

"I do have frequent episodes where I black out. Although I've never written a book before. I usually just wake up over a dead man wearing scuba gear." That's what Stephen Colbert said last night while discussing the possibility that he is the author of the controversial new book O.

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3. Amy Poehler Loves Jews

Really. The Parks and Recreation actress declared that on last night's Jimmy Kimmel Live as the reason why she chose her son's names. She also talked P&R and that stock photo floating around of her in a candy striper uniform.

2. Annette Bening's Oscar Agreement

The four-time Academy Award nominee told Jay Leno about the former agreement she made with Whoopi Goldberg a decade ago.

1. The Charlie Sheen Chronicles

Two and a Half Men star John Cryer explained what it's like to work with the most notorious celebrity in Hollywood on last night's Conan.