
Ron Weasley Looks Very Calm in First Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part II Pic [UPDATE]

· Did you ever think Ron Weasley would become a Death Eater? Me too! Especially when his teen-angst-fueled jealousy toward Harry Potter reached overdrive in the later J.K. Rowlings tomes. I bring this up only because in this first still from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part II, Ron looks suspiciously calm while Harry and Hermione sorta freak out in the face of something evil. Did David Yates drastically change the ending of Deathly Hallows, or is Ron just the coolest mf'er in the room? Click ahead to decide, then stick around for more Buzz Break.

[UPDATE: Psyche! Warner Bros. asked that the photo be taken down because it was leaked, and not official. Sorry about that. Take my word for it though, Ron looked totally chill.]

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