
Shelley Duvall Will Horrify You by Reciting Her Own Name

· One-time Razzie nominee Shelley Duvall used to narrate a popular kids show called Faerie Tale Theatre when she wasn't inspiring Robert Altman. It's a cute program! It's also scary as hell when you clip together all of Ms. Duvall's introductions. Something about the consistency in her voice is more chilling than even the loneliest corridors in the Overlook Hotel. [Jezebel]

· Katie Holmes was not received well during the screening of a new movie. In fact, the room agreed to boo. [Us]

· Is your first choice to replace Keith Olbermann also Alec Baldwin? [PopEater]

· Holy crap: John Travolta as John Gotti? [TMZ]

· Brannon Braga, one of Star Trek's most prominent writers and producers, very much regrets that there have been no gay characters on the series ever. He swears he's working on it. Just not with his new show Terra Nova. No gay people there, neither. [EW]

· And finally, tiny Justin Bieber congratulated Hailee Steinfeld on her Academy Award nomination via Twitter. Look, Justin, resembling 10-year-old Tatum O'Neal doesn't entitle you to an Oscar too. Chill out. [MTV]