
Hot Sundance Trend: Religious Fundamentalists!

The sign-bearing loons at the Westboro Baptist Church have threatened to show up at Sundance to protest Kevin Smith's horror flick Red State -- and Smith, having survived similar picketing of Dogma, plans to bring a posse carrying amusing counter-protest placards -- but they won't be the only Bible-thumpers at Park City this year. Scary religious fundamentalists turn up in lots of this year's cinematic offerings.

Besides the Phelps-ish clan at the center of Red State, there's also:

· Patrick Wilson's domineering evangelical in The Ledge;

· Eddie Marsan's liturgically abusive spouse in Tyrannosaur;

· John Hawkes' skeevy, rapey cult leader in Martha Marcy May Marlene.

Look for the pendulum to eventually swing in the other direction, with lots of movies featuring level-headed, intelligent Christians at Sundance 2013.