
'Like, Funds': How Should Kristen Stewart Spend Her Fortune?

Kristen Stewart is back in the interview racket for the new issue of Vogue, for once downplaying the horrors of very, very public life in exchange for a new concern: What is she going to do this Twilight scratch? Good question! And as financial planners go, I can think of none more qualified than Movieline's readers to help put the young star's money to optimal use.

For the record, the 20-year-old has at least one philanthropic plan for the skrilla she's earned from The Twilight Saga -- an amount well into the eight-figure range:

"It's funny when you are endowed not only with public recognition on a f*cking seriously vast level, but also money," she says with endearing earnestness. "Like, funds." (She was reportedly paid $25 million for the two films of Breaking Dawn, plus a percentage of the gross.) "Anytime I hear that somebody's really rich, the first question is 'Do you do anything with it? Or do you, like, chill? You just sit on it?'" She is thinking carefully, strategically, about how best to put her own contribution to use, and has a plan--inspired by her researches for the role of a runaway in the sex trade--to set up a network of halfway houses to help those who want to recover and get back on their feet. "That would be amazing," she says. "Right now it's the thing I feel most connected to."

Terrific idea! Still, that leaves... what? $40 million in total? $50 million? Knock off a few million for a house and a few thousand for cigarettes, and that still leaves a pretty formidable fortune. A production company is inevitable: Say, $5 million in seed money for development and overhead? What's left? How much would 20 pairs of skinny jeans cost? Anyway, people, this is your project for the day.

ยท Kristen Stewart: Coming on Strong [Vogue]