
Adopting with Aziz Ansari: $#!@ My Kid Does

· It's unofficially Parks and Recreation Viral Day, and Movieline's continuing the festivities with this new College Humor video featuring Aziz Ansari as a deadbeat adoptive parent. A bleep-laden morsel of fun. [ONTD]

· At 8:48 p.m. on Sunday, Jake Gyllenhaal went on a brutal flirt-a-thon. [Us]

· Paul Giamatti charged $5 for pictures of him with his Golden Globe. Was that necessary? What does it cost to pee on him, $11.99? [Us]

· Steven Tyler claims he's not the harsh judge on American Idol. Then who is? Ah, wait. Us. [TV Guide]

· It's pretty funny when koalas hornily attack people, but this occasion is funnier because the people are (wait for it) Oprah and Gayle, guys. [Gawker]