This season of Saturday Night Live has been, at many times, a bit tired. Even the usually reliable political sketches have seen off. But I can't remember the last time a season of SNL has seemed so energized by a group of new cast members -- when they're actually allowed on air. This past weekend, the featured players pretty much took over the last half of the show, and it may have been the best continuous half-hour stretch of the season to date.
The NRFPTP Relevancy Poll is driven by a proprietary algorithm involving such factors as quality airtime. If your results differ, let's hear about it in the comments.
Not the most overwhelmingly active night, but the guy helped Pee-Wee Herman smash a chair over Anderson Cooper's head.
Yes, he's ranked this high because of two impressions (Will Smith and Jay-Z), but they are really good impressions.
Like Killam, is getting a lot of airtime in supporting roles. But the reason he's in the top five is for his starring role in "ESPN Deportes."
I almost forgot that the Rent Is Too Damn High fellow existed and I would have no problem with Kenan portraying him every week. Also, he played a inappropriately touched Carlton Banks.
Wiig led off the cold open and was fabulous as always as the Kat half of Garth and Kat. It's been so long since Wiig has paraded herself around as one of her patented quirky characters -- as we saw in "Secret Word" -- that now it just seems sorta odd.
Sudeikis's Glenn Beck is always welcome. Also, I hope a day comes again when we will once again see Sudeikis as Kenny Rogers.
A really rare off week for Hader (his highlight was a fairly frightening Cher impression) . At this point I can only assume that he regulated himself to background characters just to give other cast-members a chance in this Season of Hader.
The only real memory of Bayer during the show (other than a brief appearance on "Update") was her dressed as a solemn looking boy at his bar mitzvah.
A blink-and-you'll-miss-it appearance in the cold open and the ensemble bar mitzvah sketch. It goes without saying that this has not been a good season for Abby Elliott.