
Fall into a Trance with the Trailer for Werner Herzog's Cave of Forgotten Dreams

While Werner Herzog does narrate Cave of Forgotten Dreams, his 3-D documentary about the oldest-known man-made art in the Chauvet caves of Southern France, his voice-over is conspicuously absent from the first trailer. That's probably just as well, because I'm not positive that I could resist falling asleep if Herzog's soothing voice was paired with the sublime images presented here. At least not in 2-D.

The trailer starts out a bit rough with some shaky-cam footage that might be pretty hard to handle in 3-D, but from here things level out and soothing images of stalactites and primitive cave paintings dominate the remainder of the trailer. If nothing else, I will buy this DVD and let it lull me into a peaceful sleep each night.

Don't get me wrong though, it looks totally worth staying awake for. Herzog's stunning images will no doubt be great in 3-D and his wry wit and insight will surely make us think about cave drawings, ancient civilization and human creativity in ways that we haven't before. But after that, here is the sedative for the new decade.

Verdict: Sold...Zzzzzzzzzzz.