
The Most Vicious Critical Pan Ever, and 5 Other Stories You'll Be Talking About Today

Also in today's superlative-friendly edition of The Broadsheet: The most frightening mug shot ever... The most Tarantino-y awards debut ever... the best-ever New York film... The tackiest photo gallery ever... and the most/best/whatever of everything else floating in the cultural pool this morning...

· Assuming you're OK with spoilers (and you were on Monday, right?), you really must witness critic Dustin Rowles's utterly vaporizing collision with Country Strong: "You could dig yourself to Australia with a tiny garden shovel, and you couldn't lower your expectations enough for what comes at the end of this movie." Bring safety goggles. [Pajiba]

· Let's not belabor this: Whoever or whatever motivated Tuscon shooting suspect Jared Lee Loughner to his actions last weekend, his mug shot implies a bit more trouble than incendiary talk radio. Nightmare city, folks. [The Smoking Gun]

· Congratulations to Quentin Tarantino, who will receive the Broadcast Film Critics Association's inaugural Music+Film Award at this Friday's Critics Choice Awards. It pretty much is what it sounds like. [Variety]

· A year after her untimely death, THR has "honored" Brittany Murphy with a slideshow of career and personal highlights like marrying Simon Monjack and, well: "Murphy may have looked fragile at times but she had plenty of strength to swing a sledge hammer in a scene from the 2009 Lifetime movie Tribute." Maybe next time just send flowers? [THR]

· And David Edelstein's choice for the best New York film ever is... [NYM]

· Another day, another rant against the historical trip-ups in The King's Speech. Better to get it out of the way before the Oscar nominations, right, Harvey? [The Guardian]