
Terrifying Child Star Continues Reign of Star Power on Today

· Remember Reed Alexander? The chilling teen chef who riled Kathie Lee and Hoda with his fun "make-ahead desserts" and "lemon-lime kewlers"? Well. He is back. And he's still an iCarly veteran with more spunk than a million cockapoos. And he. Will. Murder you. [Best Week Ever]

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· Wow, take a look at these original Modern Family casting options: Lisa Kudrow as Claire? Craig T. Nelson as Jay? And best of all: Andy Richter as Mitchell? [Splitsider]

· Though the Grammys are worthless, they're going to retain some dignity by not inviting Britney Spears to perform. [ONTD]

· Breaking: Natalie Portman is excited to go from "skinny to fat." Please, Natalie, bait more Norbit jokes. [People]

· Unfortunately, Oprah's OWN Network hasn't messed up yet. [THR]