
'A Very Large Turd on a Very Thin Stick': Marlon Brando Writes to 26-Year-Old Charlie Sheen

Long before Charlie Sheen was holed up in Las Vegas, trying to decide which of three porn stars he liked best, he was a just-turned 26-year-old scamp looking to have a birthday party so kick-ass that someone like Marlon Brando would want to attend. Alas, feeling like "a very large turd on a very thin stick" will often prevent even the greatest among us from having a good time.

The website Letters of Note has unearthed what's believed to be a letter from Brando to Sheen apologizing for missing his party. The hilarious transcript:

Dear Charlie,

I'm feeling like a very large turd on a very thin stick. I'm holed up in bed and taking everything from sled dog urine to powderde East Indian vulva -- maybe won't work tomorrow if I feel the same.

I really feel bad for not showing up at your birthday bash but I really feel shitty and best stay in bed. I don't have much of a selection. I'm sure it will be a kick in the ass and I hate to miss it --

Happiest of birthdays to you, Charlie



Before you ask: Yes, at least one commenter says this is a forgery. But! Letters of Note includes a screencap of the letter (see below), and, really, is it so ridiculous to imagine the Oscar winner drinking "sled dog urine" to cure his ills? Probably not.

ยท I'm feeling like a very large turd on a very thin stick [Letters of Note]