
Who Scored Big in Week 11 of SNL's Not-Ready-for-Prime-Time-Player Relevancy Poll?

It was a peculiar week for Saturday Night Live, with the cast pretty much resigned to taking a back seat to the manic comedic stylings of host Jim Carrey; except for the cold open and "Weekend Update," Carrey was the focal point of every sketch. As a result, this week's SNL Relevancy Poll is thrown more than a bit off-kilter: Instead of cast members standing out, what we saw instead were cast members just trying to keep up with their host. And if there's anything we know about SNL, it's that it rarely (if ever) functions at its best as a one-man show.

The NRFPTP Relevancy Poll is driven by a proprietary algorithm involving such factors as quality airtime. If your results differ, let's hear about it in the comments. 

1. Taran Killam (Last Week: 5) Killam, arguably, was better than Carrey at portraying a murderous singing amusement park robot. Also, solid airtime during "Weekend Update."

2. Bobby Moynihan (Last Week: 12) It may never happen, but I'd like to see Moynihan's Anthony Crispino graduate from "Update" guest to recurring sketch charter. Also, the host of the "Soul Train" sketch.

3. Nasim Pedrad (Last Week: 9) Pretty great playing the straight White Swan to Jim Carrey's outrageous Black Swan. Too bad her character in the "Psychic Medium" sketch didn't enjoy Carrey's Alan Thicke impression as much as I did.

4. Kenan Thompson (Last Week: 10)

Love it or hate it, Grady Wilson is here to stay. Also a large role in the "Amusement Park Ride" sketch, too.

5. Bill Hader (Last Week: 1)

Even when Hader doesn't have a now-patented killer week, he still manages to make the top five by just being a presence almost every sketch and making us laugh with a John Boehner impression that, considering the tragic events of earlier that day, probably shouldn't have.

6. Andy Samberg (Last Week: 3)

No Digital Short this week, but, kind of like Hader, he had a presence in a good portion the show. Also, once again, Samberg played a bird.

7. Fred Armisen (Last Week: 6)

The Bloomberg cold open was really bad (OK, perhaps it was wise to put Carrey in every sketch), but, regardless, Armisen lead off the show. Also, over the last 24 hours his "Taste of New York" sketch has grown me.

8. Kristen Wiig (Last Week: 14)

I bet you thought that "Black Swan" sketch was going to turn out to be a "Gilly" or "Penelope" sketch once the camera zoomed over to Wiig warming up. Nope. Funny: Now SNL teases us with threats of those characters. Again, not unlike most of the rest of Wiig's season so far, a lot of supporting roles but no starring sketches.

9. Seth Meyers (Last Week: 7) Tough week for Meyers due to current events, but the show must go on. Actually, he handled it about as well as he possibly could have, keeping a brave if slightly awkward face.

10. Jason Sudeikis (Last Week: 2)

It's sad that all I can really remember Sudeikis doing is saying "No one does a Thicke!" (Yes, he also played the forgettable host of "Finding Your Power.") Forte-abandonment theories aside, what's going on here?

11. Vanessa Bayer (Last Week: 10)

Not much beyond playing a woman who really loves Jim Carrey's Sammy Davis Jr. impression.

12. Paul Brittain (Last Week: 13)

Didn't have much to do this week outside of the ensemble sketches.

13. Jay Pharoah (Last Week: 11)

It's getting to the point where I'm surprised any time I see Pharoah on camera.

14. Abby Elliott (Last Week: 8)

Elliott owned this spot to start the season, and, despite a late 2010 surge, now she's back. Without looking it up, I really can't remember even seeing her beyond the opening title sequence.