
Which Oscar Contender Do You Vehemently Refuse to See?

Once every five to seven years, the average American decides he/she is going to see all the Oscar-seeming movies before the ceremony. It's a good way to feel like a part of civilization, just before you dismiss it as contrived, humorless and a misuse of Paul Dano's talents. But as much as you might want to be a completist, perhaps there's one movie you just can't muster the nerve to see: What's your 2010-11 holdout?

Here are some famous Oscar contenders I couldn't bring myself to see. Enjoy this trip to bitchy bountiful:

2000: Chocolat

2002: The Hours

2005: The Aviator (though I relented and saw it -- and I still can't look at Cate Blanchett the same way. More like Guess Who's Cawing All Dinner, Cate.)

2008: Changeling

2009: Invictus

Though I've seen everything this year, I wish I had time to un-see I Am Love. They just colored in Tilda's eyebrows, gave her a four-layer accent, and made a movie featuring the scenic grandeur of an average Top Chef finale. Everything was so damn shiny too, like a ripe Colicchio noggin.

What's your irrational enemy this Oscar season?