
Late Night Highlights: Watch Jim Carrey Do an Entire Interview on the Treadmill

Last night, Jim Carrey raised the bar for multitasking by conducting an entire interview with Jimmy Fallon while keeping a steady pace on the treadmill. Elsewhere, Craig Ferguson finally premiered his Doctor Who cold open, Seth Rogen and David Letterman smashed things with a big gavel, and Jesse Eisenberg told Jay Leno all about his bubble of delusion.

4. Jesse Eisenberg's Bubble of Delusion

The Social Network star told Jay Leno that he was raised in a bubble of delusion before explaining that he has no idea what to do at award shows and no understanding of technology.

3. Big Gavels For Seth Rogen and David Letterman

In honor of John Boehner's big gavel, David Letterman and Seth Rogen took turns smashing fruit and electronics on The Late Show, with a comically oversize gavel.

2. Finally, Craig Ferguson's Doctor Who Opener

Just a month or two after Craig Ferguson's Doctor Who special, The Late Late Show was finally able to clear the rights to Doctor Who's opening song and air their own tribute cold open.

1. Multitasking with Jim Carrey

...and then Jim Carrey promoted I Love You, Phillip Morris by conducting an entire interview with Jimmy Fallon while running on the treadmill. Check him out on SNL this weekend.