
Oh Yes: There are 100 Even Better Movie Insults

· You'd think one anthology of awesome movie insults would suffice, but this new reel of cinematic slams is fantastic. Dumb and Dumber, Matilda and 1939's The Women finally get their dues. [YouTube]

· The Social Network will return to theaters -- and this week, it's set to pass the $200 million mark in worldwide sales. Teehee @ "mark." [Deadline]

· Sassiest feud ever: Might there be contempt between Ed Asner and Cloris Leachman? [TV Guide]

· Jessica Walter says if Arrested Development aired on HBO, it'd still be on today. Truth. [ONTD]

· If you want Cameron's house from Ferris Bueller's Day Off, act fast. And wear a Gordie Howe jersey when you do so. [Cinema Blend]