
Josh Groban Raises Up Kanye West's Beautiful Tweets in Song

· Affable balladeer Josh Groban did the unthinkable on Jimmy Kimmel Live: He sang Kanye West's tweets about conference tables and "motherf*cking douchebags" and made them endearing. Give it up for this throaty chanticleer! [YouTube]

· When you look at all the changes on this season of American Idol, you realize... it's still pretty much the same. [THR]

· This interview with Amy Poehler will bait you for the new season of Parks and Recreation and teach you that everyone hates the library. [ONTD]

· Lady Gaga's choreographer just won her own docuseries at E! [EW]

· Finally, our long national nightmare is over: NYPD Blue's indecency fine has been thrown out. [Deadline]