Jersey Shore's second go-around proved why The Real World never brought back casts for multiple seasons: People become aware of how they're perceived, they play to those perceptions, and their madcap innocence becomes a controlled calculation. But just wait: The addition of new cast member Deena, who at first seemed like a redundant hellcat, might add a fresh soupcon of stank that the show could use. Preview after the jump.
You saw that right: Deena stripped for The Situation. Now, it's my theory that The Situation lost his libido in an ultraviolet-blacklight accident in the early '90s and we've been watching a sexless shell strip for passersby ever since, but I'm happy to see some genuine shock on his face. If JWOWW's got beatdowns covered, Snooki's got the high-profile arrests, and Sammi's in charge of annoying outbursts, then Deena seems capable of keeping classic Jersey Shore spontaneity alive. So rejoice! Let's the beat up the beat anew.