
Bleary Eyes, Full DVRs, Can't Lose: The 10 Best TV Shows of 2010

People love lists. Never mind that most of them are subjective to current moods and agendas -- it's fun reading what one person considered their ten favorites of the year, and then seeing if they match up with your own. With that in mind: Who's ready for another top ten?

Kidding! Before we get to the top-ten, here are some almost-favorites that just missed. Let's call them the Honorable Misfires of 2010.

Considering how much Community and Glee have in common (I will make that an Internet meme if it is the last thing I do), it isn't surprising to find them falling just short of my top-ten. Both shows reached great highs during 2010, but those highs were more consistent during the first part of the year. The second seasons of Community and Glee are trying too hard, resulting in diminishing returns. It feels like both are aping what made them each so original and wonderful in the first place.

Similarly, Gossip Girl has seen its identity stagger in the last calendar year. The third season finale was a wonderful bit of colliding cliffhangers -- and there have been some great episodes sprinkled throughout the fourth season this fall -- but too often the show is just...well, lame. Being trashy and incoherent fun is one thing; being bad is something else entirely.

Finally, Lone Star. The pariah of the fall television season only lasted for two episodes, but those two episodes were absolute home runs. If Kyle Killen's too-beautiful-for-network series had been allowed to exist for even a few more episodes, it would have found a spot on the top-ten. Alas, the best laid plans of mice and con men. At least we'll always have James Wolk, Mumford & Sons and wind farms.

Please note: I haven't finished with Breaking Bad yet, so it wasn't eligible. (Hey, that excuse worked for Emily Nussbaum, so why not me?) Also: There are some spoilers sprinkled throughout, so be careful. Click here to launch the full slideshow.