
Sam Worthington Admits Clash Of The Titans Was Terrible, Hopefully Will Try To Work On His Terrible Acting Next

May 2010 go down as the year that movie stars stopped being polite and started getting real. Shia LeBeouf led the charge, saying he recognized how let down everyone was by the last Indiana Jones chapter. Then Mark Wahlberg admitted that the "f*cking trees, man" of The Happening were horrible. And as we noted, Sentient Pile of Pudding Sam Worthington has joined the truth brigade and tells us, yup, Clash of the Titans was absolute crap.

Speaking to Moviefone, Mr. Pudding recognized how let down everyone was by Titans and how the sequel will be better:

I just think we can improve on it.I think the first one, we kind of let down some people. And yeah, I totally agree. The only point of doing a sequel is either the audience demands it or you believe you can better the first one. What we're setting out to do with this one - the writers and the director and myself - is improve. I think I can act f*cking better, to be honest ... Just take all the notes from people that I have been reading about on the 'net and give them a movie they f*cking want. This one I want to kind of try to satisfy a lot more people.

Well, good on Sam for realizing that no one had an enjoyable time at Clash of the Titans, though I do wish that he had give a little nod as to how truly horrendous the quickie 3D conversion was. And even more props to him for admitting he turned in a terrible performance -- but now it's incumbent on him to actually do a bit of acting.

I've seen him in three movies now -- Avatar, Terminator: Salvation, and Titans -- and each time was treated to a performance so bland and unremarkable that you could've slapped a pair of googly eyes on a stack of manila folders and the effect would've been the same. Friends have told me he had a great performance in some Australian film a few years back (Dingo Vegemite G'Day, I believe it was called), but I've yet to see any indication that he's anything other than a fleshy equivalent of a tennis ball in a green screen shot used to demarcate where a CGI creation will be added.

But if he's smart enough to realize that he's turned in a crap performance in a crap movie, than perhaps he's smart enough to fix it. Since Hollywood is determined to put him in movies again and again, I certainly hope he will.

ยท Sam Worthington Admits 'Clash of the Titans' Let People Down; Promises Sequel Will Be Better [Moviefone]