
Grand Theft Mario: Watch the Fake (and Long) Trailer for Mario Brothers Video Game

· Have you been staying up late wondering what Super Mario Bros. would look like if it were Grand Theft Auto? Good news: Your sleepless nights are over! Ahead, watch the incredibly long Grand Theft Auto-style trailer for Mario Brothers and then stick around for more Buzz Break.

[via EW]

· Slowwwww clap for The Green Hornet director Michel Gondry. "I usually identify with the nerds but these ones just reinforce the social rules. Their values are fascistic," Gondry told The Guardian about online Hornet haters. "When you step into this genre, they feel it belongs to them. They want you to conform, or they won't like you. They want the conventional. But it's fine. The movies has been doing very well, I think, whenever we've screened it to normal people." Normal people. Ha! Oh, Michel; my hero. [The Guardian via The Playlist]

· Aspiring alcoholics, take note: The Ukraine is hiring people to be drinking buddies. [The Awl]

· Forget zombies: AMC is going ahead with a series order for Hell on Wheels, the post-Civil War drama about railroad building and cowboys. Future spoiler: The Hollywood Foreign Press is going to hate it! [Deadline]

· The Daily Beast has a pretty wild interview with Kevin Spacey, wherein the Casino Jack star sidesteps-but-doesn't allegations that he's gay. Worth a read. [The Daily Beast]

· CBS loves the Internet so much that they're turning another blog/Twitter account into a series. (Close tab.) [Vulture]