
Ernest Goes to Jail and Ghost Dad Finally Get the Criterion Collection Treatment

The Criterion Collection does an amazing job releasing important foreign and art house films on DVD, from the plethora of bonus features they include to the immediately recognizable and very classy art that graces the covers. The only problem? As prolific as they are, there are still always a number of movies still waiting to get the Criterion treatment. But a new blog is here to rectify that. "Fake Criterions" boasts a growing collection of fan-made Criterion cover art for classics that the company has yet to release. You know, classics like Ghost Dad, Soul Man and Ernest Goes to Jail...

It's remarkably consistent for the most part, though there a few misfires, especially Point Break, which honestly probably should get a Criterion release anyway since The Rock got one. For my money though, here are the three best:

[Fake Criterions via Badass Digest]