
Gift Guide: You Are Iron Man. (Or Boba Fett. Pick One.)

Is Halloween only being once a year not enough for you? Do you ever feel the need, when you're home alone, to dress up as a superhero or the most feared bounty hunter in the galaxy? Perhaps you have a spare arm mounted flame thrower or a hidden repulsor in your glove and need a nifty helmet to go along with it? Look no further...

So Hasbro sent over a plethora of items for Movieline to look through for this year's gift guide. And considering that I've actually always kind of wanted a Boba Fett helmet, yeah, kind of a no-brainer that I would pick this as a selection. I mean, come on! It is a cool-looking helmet! Unfortunately (or probably, fortunately), I think it works better as a display piece than some sort of role-playing device; I'm a six-foot-tall adult, and when I wear this I look like a child trying on his father's cowboy boots. The electronic voice doesn't quite sound like Mr. Fett, though it does kind of sound like Jason Statham.

The Iron Man helmet is a different story. For those who want the Iron Man experience, this seems like the better bet -- even though it doesn't look quite as cool as the Fett helmet. Again, the electronic voices are just bizarre. There is absolutely no similarities between the voice coming out of this machine and the voice of Robert Downey Jr. Think more Andy Samberg's Shy Ronnie after Rihanna leaves the room.

· Boba Fett Electronic Helmet: $34.97 at Amazon.

· Iron Man Deluxe Helmet for $34.99 at Amazon.