
Gift Guide: No Stocking is Truly Stuffed Without Growing Pains Trading Cards

What self-respecting aficionado of popular culture would not want his or her own box of Growing Pains trading cards? Yes, these exist. Quite by accident, I stumbled upon them at a flea market in Brooklyn -- which is pretty much the only place you're going to find something like this accidentally (the dealer had Willow and 90210, too). Strangely, I felt compelled to spend four dollars for five packs of pure Seaver awesomeness. What exactly will you find inside? Hint: It's awesome.

Start with a piece of gum from 1988. (One Movieline editor volunteered for a taste test, briefly, before the gag reflexes kicked in.) Next you'll be treated to sitcom jokes captioned under an action photo of the Seaver gang. Example, "Dad, isn't the pancake supposed to come down after you flip it in the air?" asks a confused Mike Seaver of his dad, Jason. Who ever said a television was needed for sitcom joke to be funny? Ahem.

Each pack also comes with a sticker of your favorite Seaver (I got Alan Thicke!) and, best of all, a few of the cards include actor bios. What was pre-born-again Kirk Cameron's favorite movie? Risky Business! Who were his favorite actors? Like anyone else asked this question during the 1980s, he chose Eddie Murphy and JoBeth Williams. Wait, what? JoBeth Williams?

A full box goes for $49.99 @ Time Passages Nostalgia (or just keep your eye open at your local flea market).