
Stiller & Meara is Your New Way to Meet the Parents

· It was only a matter of time. Ben Stiller's esteemed showbiz parents Jerry Stiller and Anne Meara are starring in a new web series called Stiller & Meara where the two discuss topics like Facebook, Jersey Shore, or whatever comes to mind. Mark Zuckerberg's humbling may begin here. [Yahoo]

Episode 1: "First Time On Internet"

· When he's not making music for The Social Network, Trent Reznor's forging ahead with other plans, like turning a dystopian concept album into an HBO miniseries. I want to feel it from the inside! [Rolling Stone]

· Sketchy Danielle Staub ex Kevin Maher has ominous things to say about the Real Housewives star: For one thing, he believes she'll be murdered. OK. [ONTD]

· The next Dexter episode's preview is up. Writer Chip Johannessen, who penned the explosive season five premiere, also gives some soundbites. [Cinema Blend]

· It's been too long since Mo'Nique woke us up with some fiery quotes. Here she tells people to leave Lindsay Lohan alone. Precious's Ms. Rain approves of this diplomacy. [ONTD]