
New Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Trailer: Wizards in Distress

Wow. If both parts of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows live up to this awesome new trailer, then I'm totally down for Warner Brothers' drag-out-the-series money-making move. Click ahead to check out all of the broomsticks, angst, projectile spells and epic music!

In the new trailer, we're treated to intense Death Eater attacks, looks at returning characters (Mad-Eye Moody is back, for one.), hints of the Ministry of Magic's Orwellian transformation, aerial battles galore, and even a room full of Harry Potters. Voldemort's giant pet snake definitely swallows the camera in one shot, but other than that it doesn't look like this one plays too hard to the 3-D angle, which is a relief.

Ah, just watch for yourself!

Verdict: Sold.