
Late Night Highlights: Stephen Colbert Celebrates the Troops, Chelsea Handler Disses Jay Leno

On last night's very special Colbert Report, Vice President Joe Biden and Stephen Colbert served hot dogs, beer and green grass to the returning troops. Elsewhere, Chelsea Handler ripped on her old friend Jay Leno, Julianna Margulies shared her commencement secrets and James Lipton earned $4 from Craig Ferguson the hard way.

4. Chelsea Handler on Jay

This weekend's VMA host Chelsea Handler stopped by the Tonight Show to harass the host, talk about the men she is not sleeping with and discuss her next book.

3. Commencement Tips from Julianna Margulies

The Good Wife actress told David Letterman how to prepare the best possible speech for Sarah Lawrence graduates... rehearsing profane statements to the White House Chief of Staff included.

2. James Lipton Defends Actors

The Inside the Actors Studio went to great lengths to defend actors on the Late Late Show and later earned $4 from Craig Ferguson.

1. Been There, Won That

Stephen Colbert celebrated the returning troops with a good old-fashioned All-American party episode.

The Colbert Report Mon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
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