
Match These Proud Fathers with Their Jersey Shore Spawn

The members of Jersey Shore's outrageous octet are many things, but are they chips off the old block? We've got four photos of guidos who fathered Jersey Shore stars, and it's up to you to ID the gelato-hocking stars who call them "dad."

Contestant #1 completely forsakes the "T" section of the Gym-Tan-Laundry credo.

Contestant #2 follows only the "T" section of the Gym-Tan-Laundry credo.

Contestant #3 could be a former gorilla juicehead himself.

Contestant #4 looks ready to coach a Little League team in the late '80s.

Check below for the answers.

1) JWOWW (for real)

2) Vinny

3) Snooki

4) Ronnie

'Jersey Shore': Meet the Parents [ONTD]