
Lindsay Lohan's Most Heinous Cinematic Crime

· The trailer for the sketch omnibus Underground Comedy 2010 purports to be shocking, but instead it's rather sad; that is, unless you were clamoring to see Lindsay Lohan as Marilyn Monroe, or Vince the Shamwow Guy shirtless. All others, watch at your own peril. Lindz, it's not too late for that LO:LA guest spot.

· Mike Tyson did The Hangover for drug money, which he somehow thought would come from illegal copies: "I thought this was going to be really good, we're going to sell this stuff at 42nd St. on bootleg, and we're going to get a lot of money," he told ESPN. "This is my best thinking on drugs." [Sports Radio]

· Sylvester Stallone has taken over your YouTubes. [YouTube]

· Might Sandra Bullock and Steve Carell star in The Abstinence Teacher? [The Playlist]

· Wallace Shawn, Justin Kirk, Dan Stevens and Todd Barry have joined Amy Heckerling's new Alicia Silverstone film Vamps. Cher and Mr. Hall, reunited! [Press Release]