
Boardwalk Empire Trailer: Pretty, Pretty Prohibition

· Steve Buscemi is both convincing and gorgeously lit in HBO's new series Boardwalk Empire, which features the directing talents of one Martin Scorsese and the most infamous gangsters of the past 100 years. "Monopoly," this ain't. [Zap2It]

Preview Trailer #4

· Are you coming up with dream scenarios for when Elisabeth Hasselbeck meets Barack Obama on The View yet? Mine involves a furiously pious Easter Egg Roll. [Gawker]

· Jilted Dollhouse fans, rejoice! The canceled Joss Whedon series is heading to DVD and Blu-ray this October. [Cinema Blend]

· Oh no: We're finding out that a Real Housewives of Atlanta star is getting married -- and her first episode hasn't even aired yet. Andy Cohen, make this all better! [ONTD]

· Some sad news to close out Monday: YouTube star "Fred" made a movie and it will see the light of day. [ONTD]